Management Accounts are typically produced on a monthly or quarterly basis and consist of a set of financial reports about the business performance , its financial position at a given point and some extrapolations of where it could be in the future.
Whatever the size of your business , these accounts are critical for the Management when making decisions.
What do we usually include in your management accounts?
MouMou Accountants do not dictate your needs. You Do! Whilst our experienced team of accountants can have a chat and advise you on formats or presentation type available in our gallery , it is usually possible to build a personalized format of Management and Financial report that fit clients needs.
Our standard reports include profit and loss figures, cash flow forecasts a balance sheet, Month-on-Month variances analysis and commentaries around specific KPIs critical to your business success.
Our standard full set of management accounts will have :
- -An Executive Summary: as an introductory page or tab for your management accounts with some highlights on Key Performance Indicators of the period : Actual Turnover/sales in the month , Gross Margin you make on your total sales , “cashable Profit” you are likely to be making for the period and any warning on spending , cash , competition etc.
- -KPIs: Depending on the industry you are operating in , your business Key Performance Indicators (KPI) will presented to you in form of useful metrics showing whether your business is on track
- -Profit & Loss: The profit and loss statement is also critical when running your business , providing you an actual or simulated snapshot of your business performance and allow you to make right decisions , at right time and using the right performance drivers
- -Balance Sheet: will lay out and confirm you assets, liabilities, owners’ equity applicable at the time of the report . This is critically important when it comes to evaluating you business for due diligence and general health purposes
- -Cash Flow Statement: Ability to construct and monitor an effective cash flow statement and cash forecast tool can make or break businesses . MouMou Accountants and financial modellers can build , monitor and advise you on how to optimize the use of every single penny you earn .
Whilst earning your fees will undeniable keep us in business , winning your trust is by far more important to us. For confidential , personalized advice or a quote for specific Management Accounting service suitable to your needs , please visit us in our London East Ham office (subject to COVID-19 government guidelines) , contact us by phone on +44 1296 9262 55 , on WhatsApp +44 7578 2795 97 or by email at or click here
Contact Us
1535C 182-184 High Street – North East Ham – London
E6 2JA
+44 1296 9262 55
Mon – Fri 09:00 – 17:30 ; Saturday 10:00 to 14:00
Closed on Sundays and UK Bank Holidays
MouMou Accountants and Tax advisers .
Registered name Moumou Limited.
Company registered number 12519830